Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Sometimes, I really, really hate Facebook.

Today is such a day.

Last night, I stayed up too late after drinking a bucket of coke during Tron. Today I am not my peaky best. So I follow a relatively benign link and end up inadvertently viewing the profiles of not one but two people I'd really prefer not to think about most of the time, let alone today of all things.

Do we need it? Constant information saturation, the melange of interconnected bollocks? I know it's pretty much a cyberpunk wet dream, total connectivity, global village rah rah rah. But fuck, my brainspace could use a break from knowing shit, once in a while.

He wrote, on his blog on the internet.

Yes, yes, yes, Juicy, salty slabs of delicious irony.

I'm a junky for the this information hyperload - the ready access to trivia, gossip, argument, opinion, hype, anti-hype, fucking you-tube videos of cats riding turtles, the lot. I have been lured in thoroughly. But fuck! Where's the nanny state when you need it? I don't need protection from seeing the accumulated piles of Zombies in Left 4 Dead 2. I need to be protected from pictures of my ex having fun.

I return you to your day. Hypocrite Out!


  1. I really liked this post Reuben! I'm not an information junkie, however like they say "knowledge is power" and I like the opportunity to gain power over my weakness which is ignorance. There are times when I flip out and wonder why people can't just STFU! An then I have a moment like what you said. "He wrote, on his blog on the internet."

    I have to chuckle.
    Keep up the good work. I enjoy reading your posts.

  2. Thanks Chris! I'm not sure how much self improvemnet the internet affords me - back before I had ready access to it I used to read books, essays etc all written by people who actually had an editor tell them whether what they wrote was complete bollocks or not. Now I consume gossip and opinion as my mainstay, and you know the old saying about opinions...but yet again, in a blatant display of hypocrisy, I'm saying this on my unedited opinion blog. Hopefully something sufficiently raises my ire so I can return to posting here. Glad you enjoyed it.
